
Summer is here, but that doesn’t mean those DIY projects are put on hold. As a nation of home improvers, many of us have a DIY to-do list as long as our arms after over a year spent in lockdown. Enhancing the kerb appeal of our properties is high on this list, and whether it’s painting exterior render or sprucing up a neglected garden fence, the warmer weather can pose a major challenge.

Here we delve deeper into how painting outdoors is affected by the hot temperatures of summer as well as share our top tips for achieving a professional finish on your outdoor paint job.


Why hot weather and painting just don’t mix

The great British weather is unpredictable at the best of times, but the summer season provides more respite than other times of the year from the rain. Hot weather however can spell disaster when painting outdoors.

Whilst it’s true that the warmer and drier the weather is, the faster your paint will dry, this is not always a good thing!

Direct sunlight warms surfaces, which when painted on causes bubbling that prevents a flawless finish. The faster rate of evaporation also causes paint to become thicker and gloopier. Thicker paint is more difficult to apply and will make even coverage pretty much impossible.


The ideal conditions for painting outdoors

There’s many downsides to painting in hot weather, yet painting in rain comes with the same amount of challenges. The ideal conditions for painting outdoors sits somewhere in-between.

Ideally, you’ll want to take on an exterior paint job when the weather is dry, not too hot, and overcast. Windy days should be avoided as the paint will dry too quickly and dirt could be blown onto your freshly painted surface. There should also be minimal risk of rain during application and the drying period.

Remember, whilst heat should be avoided, humid weather conditions help as long as the humidity isn’t above 80%.


More top tips for a professional paint job

Chasing the shade is what many painters do to avoid the direct sunlight that causes problems with paint.  Painting earlier in the morning, rather than in the heat of the midday sun is another way to keep temperatures manageable and your finish top notch.

Whatever your exterior paint job, always invest in the best quality tools and paint supplies. Consider using a roller if it’s suitable, and avoid overloading your roller or paint brush to achieve even coverage.

You don’t have to take on exterior painting alone. For a professional finish without the hard work, find a local decorator today.


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