Decorating trends can be slow-moving, after all most people don’t have the time or money to be updating their homes every year.
With 2024 just around the corner, there’s a lot to be excited about, especially when it comes to the look and feel of our homes.
With winter almost upon us, many individuals are cosying up in the comfort of their own homes to really savour what the season is all about, meaning now couldn’t be a better time to refresh your décor.
In the midst of a cost of living crisis, home decoration may be the last thing you want to spend money on.
When buying any DIY supply, considering your budget as well as your needs is a top priority.
Here we share our expert tips for hanging wallpaper so you can enjoy this top trend and an impressive finish in your very own home.
Painting is one job that people with homes new and old, big and small, simply can’t avoid. Whilst we’d all love to have a freshly plastered wall as our canvas, the reality is often very different.
In the world of painting and decorating, there are countless products and materials to choose from, a fact that makes selecting the perfect paint type pretty difficult.
The interior design world offers a bevy of inspiration for homes of all shapes and sizes, and with a new year just around the corner, there’s certain to be a whole host of new décor trends to experiment with.